Sunday, October 5, 2014


  1. 1.
    a temporary stop in action or speech.
    "she dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain"
    synonyms:stopcessationbreakhaltinterruptionchecklullrespitebreathing space, discontinuation, hiatusgapinterludeMore
  1. 1.
    interrupt action or speech briefly.
    "she paused, at a loss for words"
    synonyms:stopceasehaltdiscontinue, break off, take a break

Men like to put me on pause.

I am single by choice, I am unsure who's choice it is. I do choose to have friends with benefits or a "team" of men I see frequently enough. These men all like to assume that I am their's and their's alone. I make no promises to these men. I don't lie. If asked about other men, I'm honest. And honestly, we all are getting what we want. I don't expect them to drop everything and give me attention. I don't expect to be their girlfriend in some close but distant future. All I want is good sex and a little intelligent conversation. But everytime... EVERYTIME, they try to put me on pause. They try to block my action. They want to be the only man I see but without any form of commitment. Riiiiiiggghttt! Because me being single and doing as I please should reflect your insecurities. And I fall for it at least once per guy. I sit at home waiting on a text that won't come for several wasted hours. I allow them to pause me, just once. Because part of me, hopes he'll be different and the other part of me is bored and ready to make team cuts! It's a test! It's all a test.

Men, HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS! What you won't do, someone else will! And I live by that!! Take an assessment of your situation real quick, man. I'm intelligent, well-read, well-respected, well-liked. I'm killer in bed, make my own money and won't bother you outside of trying to have sex. EVERY conversation I have with you is me trying to get into your pants. And that's great!!! But trust me in this area, I'm a commodity, you saw that in me! So what makes you think other men don't see it. They do.

I'm not bragging. I'm no whore. I'm stating facts.

So either you want me or you don't. Because no one puts baby in the corner! And the moment you do, a Patrick Swayze type guy comes along and ask her to dirty dance. And if he's asking me, I won't be saying no!

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