Sunday, December 20, 2015

New Positions

I have a very large imagination and I am a very creative person. So sometimes when I say things like I invented the selfie, I really mean it. But of course I didn't invent the selfie, I've just been taking selfie's since I was a child. I am the oldest and my family both sides and I spent a lot of time alone. So I was always figuring out ways to do things for myself. I was the one who took photos of all of my friends when we were having fun but no one was taking photos of me. That's what happens when you're the photographer and have a sanguine spirit. So I figured out a way to turn the camera around, to at least prove, that I was at each event, that I was taking pictures in it. And that's how I think I invented the selfie!
Now hear me when I say, I have invented a new sex position! Don't ask me how I did it, don't try to even fathom how one can come up with a new position! It all started with my girlfriend's love of nipples. Have you ever orgasm from sucking on someone else's nipple? Do nipples drive you so crazy that you can cum from feeling them on your tongue? Have you ever fucked someone with your hardened nipple? I won't go into great detail because while the world knows my business, I have too much respect and love for my girlfriend to open her up to the world in this way. But know that I have found a way to make a woman cum from pressing my giant tits against the clit and running it along the lips. Best orgasm ever!! I don't truly know if other people have done this or if this works for people with smaller breast but I do know that it works for at least two people!

Crazy is as crazy lives!

What's the craziest thing I've ever done?
So, when someone ask me this question, I have a very hard time answering it. The problem with this question is that there are so many answers. I've been for a while I did cam work. That means that I was a personal porn star for random people on the internet. I did finish work for a while. I sold my panties for a bit. I was a financial dominatrix and had a great run it that. I've done so many things. I've lived in China twice. I've dated men and women. I've met people from all around the world and had sex with them. I've done so many things that people would consider crazy and yet to me it's all normal. The craziest thing that I have ever done: is fall in love and give my heart away! That is the craziest! But welcome to my world, my world of crazy. When I wake up every morning, I don't know how my day will go. And we have seen in previous post, that my life can go in many crazy, crazy directions. But that's what life is about, it's about living your life to the fullest! So walker to all the newcomers, guest, fans, and men whose money I've taken for good reasons!

Monday, October 19, 2015

My string of bad f*ck!

I moved to China at the end of April and I was staying in a hotel. So I didn't want to date anyone because it seemed a little awkward plus I needed to find an apartment. The first guy that I started seeing was a very cute British guy but he couldn't keep up with me sexually. 
After him I started dating a Chinese man who is very rich but also very busy and had very little time for me. I was faithful to this man for as long as I could stand it. One day during one of his many work/business trips, I decided that I didn't want to wait anymore, I needed someone to hold me. So I decided that if I wasn't important enough to him to have his time, then I would just find someone else. We ended things after a fight over this issue. 
The first guy was a Taiwanese surfer, who sells wine for an Italian company. He was nice we had a great conversation, his English was great, and he seem to know a lot about a lot. Of course, as it goes, I never heard from him again. Next was the guy, who I mentioned in my post One Minute Man, and we all know how shitty that was. 
After him, was a random guy, named Wan. He decided that he enjoyed sex with me so much that he would let all of his friends know how great I was in bed. And gave one of his friends my WeChat information so that I could show him a good time too. After cursing him out and blocking him from social media, I went back to the drawing board. 
There was the artist, named Vincent, after Vincent van Gogh. He weighed about 115 pounds. He wanted me on top and after much refusal I agreed. And I almost crushed him to death.
There was the guy who I'm pretty sure was gay, even though we had sex for an hour and a half. After sex, he stole all of the change on my nightstand. 
There was the half Egyptian, half British guy who called me " a black bitch" during sex. He also made me throw up and said "look at the mess you made ". 
There was the Algerian guy, who was the most uneventful sex, I have ever had in my life. 
There was also a masseuse, who was very very poor, and we really liked each other but he couldn't afford to come see me. And he also lived above his massage parlor in a dorm with other people. So we had little time together. He was nice,  he was the nicest among them. 

But after all of them, here's the kicker. I decided that I wanted to go on dates and meet nice guys who would eventually, maybe turn into a nice boyfriend. I wanted to truly connect with another person, not just have meaningless sex with random guys. Those other guys were rebounds from my failed relationship with Richie Rich. So I went back on OkCupid. 
I met a really tall really attractive looking man on OkCupid. According to his OkCupid profile, he was from Canada and he taught at a private school here in Shanghai. We talked on OKCupid for a week or so and then all we chat for a little bit longer. He seemed very genuine and very sweet. So we decided we should hang out one evening but I didn't have the time to hang out with him and his friends because of work. So he invited himself over to my place to "smoke and chill quote with me and one of my friends. When he got here his conversation was minimal at best. He fell asleep for 45 minutes. He didn't smoke, he didn't chill. All he did was sleep! After a while of this, I decided he needed to go home. So I woke him up and told him me and my friend were going to bed and he should leave. At the mention of going to bed he started unbuttoning his pants. I said "what are you doing you need to go!" He made a hasty apology but was still confused as to why I asked him to leave. He became indignant and a little peeved at my reaction. I don't know what he was thinking or what he expected from me. But I decided after he left my house that evening, that I was done dealing with bullshit men. He was the straw that broke the camels back. I don't want to be dating in a world where men feel like they have a right to act this way. I'm tired of dealing with LBHs (losers back home), sex tourist or fetishist. Those are the three types of men that we have in the city. I'm not saying all of the men fall into these categories. I'm just saying that they out number the decent man.

The lesson: Internet dating is terrible 95% of the time. Don't trust Canadians or men named Marshal. Hide your change!!! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dumped by girls

I am an amalgam of many things; we all are! As I have discussed in previous blog entries, I’m a sex addict. I am on the low end of the spectrum and I usually have a bit of control (when I’m clothed). I’m also pansexual.

Pansexual – is one who can love sexuality in many forms. Like bisexuality, but even more fluid, a pansexual person can love not only the traditional male and female genders, but also transgendered, androgynous, and gender fluid people.

In my 31 years of life, I have been in a few relationships. I have dated seriously and exclusively, 5 men and 2 women. I won’t bore you with the details of my relationships with men. We’re not here to talk about men.

My first lesbian relationship happened in college. I met the most beautiful girl and we became very close friends. We lived on the same floor in the dorm. In fact, there were 4 of us who were very close. The Math geek, the band geek (lesbian), the pretty one and me; don’t make any mistakes, my friends and I are all very pretty. These labels are for identity protection. So the 4 of us became very close and had an open door policy. We shared everything together and I felt like I had found a nice place to belong. I was a junior in college and coming into my own. One day, out of the blue, the pretty one sent me a relationship request on Facebook. (This was a new feature to the social media platform) I happily accepted. We dated for 6 months. Eventually she broke up with me because of pressure from her family. Our relationship was a catalyst for her. After dating me, she dated a fraternity guy and had a baby. After that she found the love of her lif, they married and now have a 2nd child together. My relationship status on Facebook has been “widowed” ever since.

My 2nd relationship was with a girl who I named Mickey. Mickey was a Chinese woman, who I met at a bar. That was one of the craziest nights of my life. I will post a flashback episode later!
Mickey was dating a butch Taekwondo instructor named “Chris”. (I was living in Xianyang, China. I gave them these English names.)
Our relationship was whirlwind and crazy. She sang English songs at a nightclub, so I saw her perform almost every night. I met her mom and bought her gifts. I was in love with her. She was absolutely crazy and beautiful. She was the tiniest human, I’ve ever seen. She had these scars on her wrist, so many perfect horizontal lines on both sides. I don’t remember how long it lasted. I only remember how much I loved her and how sad I was when she broke up with me. She told me that she loved me too much and I was too special. She said that I was her angel but she couldn’t love me as much as I deserved. I cried all night after that. She called me several months after but I was too hurt. I miss her every day.

I love hard. I’ve always known that. I try to have no preference because I can’t control my heart. No one can. If I meet an amazing person, I want to be with that person. It doesn’t matter what they look like. I don’t have a height requirement. If my heart meets their heart, that’s all that matters!


P.S. I was in love and we never had sex!


Friday, October 16, 2015

Pregnancy Scare times infinity

It all started with my nipples are so hard for two weeks I thought maybe my periods coming early. But… No. No period at all. Then I started to feel dizzy and still no period. As the days became week I decided to take the test. 
So I went to the pharmacy up the block from my apartment past all of the judgmental Chinese eyes (not for slut shaming, purely because of my skin color). I paid $4 and got a pregnancy test.
 As I peed on the stick, my heart pounding, I felt a sense of dread. That fear grew stronger every minute I waited for the results. Of course I hadn't taken into account that I live in China. (it's amazing how little I think about living in China while I live in China and hell all things are written in Chinese.) I couldn't read the instructions to find out the results. 
Do double lines mean I'm pregnant or not pregnant? What is this extra box with a line in it? Why did I let that dirty Algerian man not use a condom? All valid questions, most, I could look up on Google.
The first test said I wasn't pregnant.
So then I decided to just wait for my period. I was sure it would be coming soon. Unfortunately, I am still waiting to this day for my period because apparently it's disappeared. So after the first test I started to feel nauseous every day for short amounts of time I never puked but I felt close to it a lot. 
Every day on the commute to work I am smashed into so many other people and it's hot and miserable and half of those people smell horrible. So I can't even imagine or begin to imagine being pregnant and going through that commute every day for nine months. 
I don't want to be pregnant and work at my current job. I don't want to be pregnant and live paycheck to paycheck and time taking care of myself and remembering to eat regularly. How can I possibly take care of a child? I don't want to move back to America and be under the thumb of my family. I definitely don't want to say here and raise a child alone. 
So these are all the thoughts that have been and are continually going through my mind. So last night I went to the same corner pharmacy and picked up yet another pregnancy test. Although the pharmacist had the common sense to give me the Clear Blue one this time. And it came with 2 test.
Big surprise! I'm not pregnant! But still no period at all.

Word of advice ladies: if you're thinking about having an abortion or looking into your options when you're "in the family way", DON'T use internet forums. I just wanted to know about the possibility of an abortion in China. I wasn't looking for religious beliefs, political theories, anger, judgment or any of those things. I just wanted answers. I just wanted someone to commiserate with me and let me know that I'm not alone. That someone else has gone through these confusing and hard times themselves and here is what help them through it. But all there was was judgment and bullshit.

Side note: So I turned to one of my friends who comes from the same place that I do and could understand what my life was looking like and she was very helpful for me. She's the one who suggested I take the second test and I'm grateful and thankful for that. I'm happy that I had a friend in my corner when I needed it the most.

If my period returns, I'll let you guys know. But so far... Still no period!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


For my followers in China (and elsewhere) if you have the WeChat app. Please follow me!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

One Minute Man

I've mentioned previously comes to dating and sex here in Shanghai. One bad experience I would like to focus on today is the one minute man. 
I have said in the past that I don't date men from work. I have this rule for various reasons: work can become awkward, very little alone time and what if you break up because you can't quit. Well I never thought about bad sex. What happens if you have bad sex? 
I wouldn't even mention this if it hadn't happened to me. I broke my rule! I slept with a coworker. The entire situation was doomed from the start. If I forget the fact that he's a closeted narcissist and the fact that he wears "mom jeans", he'd still be a dickhole. 
We went out for drinks with colleagues and after too many beers, he invited me back to his place to watch Lion King. Once we got to his shared apartment, instead of Lion King on the tv, we watched South Park on his laptop. 
Eventually we started kissing and after an hour of that, we took it a little further. It was cute, really. A lot of fondling like teenagers. Then when we couldn't take anymore, we had a discussion about sex, should we, shouldn't we. We did! For about 2 seconds. 
I have had quite a bit of sex in my life. I have had long sex, short sex, quick sex, outdoor sex, floor sex, Walmart sex, church sex, group sex and Chinese sex... Just to name a few! But this shouldn't be called sex. Quick sex is usually 5-10 minutes in my experience but this wasn't that. 
Let me set the scene: he lay on top of me, and once he was inside, I could feel his arousal. He felt amazing. As he pulled back for his second thrust inside me, he clinched his fist, scrunched up his face and said "fuck it" and came. 
I have retold the story several times to a few people. Every time I tell the story, they assume that when he said fuck it ,it was in his head but no, it was out loud. The next morning I decided that I would get things started again because obviously the previous night it was a fluke. No grown man in his late 20s would cum so fast. So I put my hand under the sheet and began to rub him. I wanted redemption! Just as I placed my tongue on his penis, he came again! I couldn't believe I had broken my rule for a few seconds of a hint of pleasure. What a waste!!!!

The moral to the story: don't fuck someone from work because even if their penis is nice, the sex could be awful and fast. And then you'll have to ride the subway home with them (every fucking night) while they hit on other girls who will be disappointed in their sexual prowess in the future.

Break time is over!

So it's been a while since I've posted, six months to be exact. From horrible days to pregnancy scares and it's been a very very long six months. Settling into China has been an adventure. I have been a lot of places around the city, met really cool new friends and met some of the worst men ever. But I won't go into those details just yet. Those will come in future blogs because I'm back!! This is just my local settled into China and now I'm ready to roll!


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pick up lines

I've been in living in China for 2 weeks now and I haven't had sex once since arriving. I have been in training with 15 other foriegners, we have walked at least 5 miles a day and I've been completely sweat soaked the entire time. It's not that I wouldn't hook up with some of the men I'll be working with but it's a line I don't cross. I don't poop where I eat!!
So I decided to get back on OkCupid to meet men, I won't have to avoid at work everyday. I have only been back on for 2 days. Here's a short list of the pickup lines and openers I've gotten so far. 

Are you Made in China?

Hey, nice boobs! You have nice lips as well!!

Hey, I wear glasses but I'm sorry to inform you that my eyes just can't move from your nice boobs as an artist and libido is the drive of arts!!

Omg... Those are huuuuuuuuggggeeeee... Eyes!

Well hello! Can I get an Amen cuz you're so fine!!

You are beautiful in every language! If beauty were measured in seconds, you'd be an hour!!

Out of all of those lovely lines, I have responded to none. I don't know why men think that they can approach me any type of way. Surely no woman worth having would take that seriously. Not to mention, my profile clearly states, I will ignore anyone who mentions my boobs. After walking through China, with the biggest tits in the country for the last 2 weeks, I have no tolerance. I get leers, jeers and stares. I am talked about in a language I barely understand. I definitely don't want to hear the same bullshit in English!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Accents and Armpits: what I love and hate!!

As an American woman who enjoys sex, probably more than most, I have a weakness for accents. 
There are several types of men I won't have anything to do with because of cultural differences but give me a sexy accent and I'm yours. 
If you speak with an Australian, British, Scottish or South African lilt, I'm yours. I don't care for French, New Zealander or Irish accents for whatever reason. It sounds strange since a lot of people can't tell the difference in some of those but I can. 
Case in point, I don't date or sleep with most men from Africa, not because of their accent or skin but because of their overbearing personalities. I've had my fair share of bad experiences with African men, laying claim on me. (Not a turn on, no one likes desperation) But in South Africa, the men aren't as pushy and have a swagger about themselves. Plus their accent is a combination of British & Australian. 
Accents aren't my only turn on. I am incredibly attracted to men who are passionate. There is a fine line between passion and desperation. I DO NOT like hearing how you can't live without me, the moment we meet. I DO like you whispering in my ear, how much you want to kiss me and then kissing me.  Nothing hotter than a guy who goes for what he wants. I also find lust to be a huge turn on. 

Every woman wants to feel wanted and sexy! No woman wants to feel stalked and leered at or pressured. 
And lastly, smell!! Guys, I will try to hump your leg if your cologne is amazing. Even if you have an incredible deodorant. But DO NOT put on clean clothes or cologne over ball sweat and armpit funk. I know that antiperspirants are terrible for us all but I'm accustomed to them. I grew up in a world with them! Use them!!! I know guys who don't, those guys seriously don't stink. But there are some of us who can't go more than 3 hours without it. Use it!!!

I have a lot of turn ons but those are major and I think most women will agree on the last one. No one likes the smell of ball sweat or armpits. You can use deodorant on both! We won't complain!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

My accidental threesome

My first threesome was an accident, my second one was too. I'm a go with the flow type person and twice in my life, the flow went to threesome. If I could plan the perfect threesome, it would involve me twice and my partner or me and two professional pornstars. In my first threesome, it was two men and me. One was more attractive, better endowed and spoke great English. (I was living in China.) The other guy was mediocre overall. He looked ok, he wasn't huge and he wasn't winning awards in bed. The threesome happened by accident. I was a guest of mediocre guy in their hotel room after a night of club hopping. He seemed really into me and I hadn't had sex in a month, so I figured why not. After more drinking and waiting for his friend (hottie) to fall asleep, we had ok sex. He left me to take a shower after 15 minutes of mediocrity. While he was in the shower, hottie "woke up" and confessed that he wanted me and he wasn't actually sleep, he was just waiting. I was very attracted to him and I confessed that too. We wanted each other but I was afraid of a fight breaking out. So I consented to quiet sex with him while MG was in shower. Of course HG had great penis and knew how to use it. The sex lasted a lot longer than with MG. So long that MG was out of the shower and watching us. 
I was nervous because I know how the male ego can be. But I guess MG figured, he could sulk or he could join. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least. I am a moaner and a curser in bed. If you get me going the right way, I'm loud and you don't know if I love it or hate it. On the other end, I also fake it sometimes. So when HG would be inside me, my body and mouth would react. When MG was inside me, I'd have to fake it. I had to think about my moaning levels the entire time. I didn't want anyone's feelings hurt or egos bruised. I didn't want it to be a competition but that's ultimately what most guys turn it into. I also had a lot to concentrate on. I had to focus on blowing one guy and having sex with the other. If you're not careful, you could pinch a nerve or pull a muscle. 
I watch more porn than I should and I find gangbangs and threesomes sexy. But those are professionals! Not only do they get paid to do it but they practice it. They know how to make the woman comfortable and it's not a race to see who can finish first or who can thrust hardest. After a couple of hours, I was sore from ineptitude and tried to sleep. Every time I went to the bathroom to pee, MG would be ready to go again. These times it was just me and him. By 7am I gathered my clothes, made an excuse and did the walk of shame back to my apartment. I'm sure I looked terrible stumbling past Chinese school kids while the sun was coming up. 
The moral of the story: Always carry extra clothes so that you don't scare school children. And first times are almost always awkward. Although so was my second time but that's another story for another time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How a sex addict falls in love

have avoided the idea of love since I was 14. I'm terrified by it. I spent my teen years being disappointed by my dad and falling in "love" with every unattainable guy I saw. So I was afraid of love even then.   When asked my biggest fear, it's not bugs or snakes or fires, it's falling in love. I'm sure I can attribute my fears to my "daddy issues" but it's a part of me now. On the the flip side, I fall in love easier and faster than anyone I know. I am currently in love with 2 men. I have a secret hope that one day, one man will come into my life and truly love me. He want to give me the world and show me new things and most of all, he'll never leave me. I am so used to disappointment, that I only give into my carnal desires. I have sex so I don't have to get attached to any of them. 
The first guy I am in love with, I met on Okcupid. We have never actually met in person. He lives in Florida and because we had a long distance romance, he allowed me to see other men. He told me he loved me with in the first week of skype calls and talking on the phone. We have never had sex but we do get intimate over our phones. He has brought out my freaky side. We do things, I never thought of doing or even knew possible. I truly love him. My problem is, I didn't want to be with other men. I wanted him and only him. I wanted him to fly to where I was and be with me. I wanted him to demand me to stop sleeping around. We broke up when he caught me in a lie. But to this day I love him. He knows more about me than anyone else. But I'm jealous. If I see other men, he'll see other women and knowing that, hurts. He tells me, I want 2 cakes. I have a constant fear of losing people as well. I worry he won't only find someone but he'll find someone better than me. 
The second guy, I met on Craigslist. It's my favorite place to go for casual hookups. There are no pretenses on CL. I met him exactly 2 weeks before I was supposed to move to China. I tend to get into relationships right before major life changes. We have spent exactly one night together. But from the moment we met, there was a strong connection. We share thoughts and feelings. He gives me so much attention and holds me in a way I didn't know I craved. We text constantly and have been saying I love you since our first week together. He makes me feel special. 
I don't know that either of these guys are truly in love with me. I believe they do love me but we will never truly be together. I hold onto my fantasy and love ideals.
 So how does a sex addict fall in love? She falls with safety nets and harnesses and she never truly let's go.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Things I shouldn't want to do but did

1. Sneak into a club -
I didn't start partying at bars a lot until I was 21. I've always looked young, so I get ID'd at 30. During gay pride, this year, I went out with my best friend, who is 20. He never gets ID'd. His friends, however, do. So we used my mascara to smudge lines on our hands, to look like a stamp. We walked into the club... No money, no IDs, no problem.

2. Prostitution -
I am NOT a prostitute. I am a sex addict, with daddy issues, in a marine town though, so same deal! I have always wanted to get paid to have sex. Not in some sleezy, pick me up on the curb, way or even a fancy, Pretty Woman, way. But have the incredible sex I already have but get paid for it. It occurred to me, watching a guy pee with the door open after hooking up, I should get more after sex than watching you pee. So I decided to try it. It was more like a trade, he gets a blow job, I get gifts. Everyone wins!! I think people call that dating!

3. Sex at work -
Like most of my sex-uations, I was on craigslist. I've said it before, CL is the best way and Rants and Raves is the best place. I received an email from a guy and we began emailing then texting. I told him where I worked and how boring of day I was having. He responded with "Don't freak out but I'm at your work right now." He said he just wanted to see me in person. We went out back to explore a nature trail and talk. Our tongues did a lot of work but we didn't talk much. He was kissing me like my kisses contained oxygen. He turned me around so I could feel how he felt. I said we shouldn't being doing this. He said I'll stop if you tell me to stop. (Which is so hot to hear) Daring me to deny myself this pleasure. I had to have him inside me. In the middle of a bridge, behind my work, in the middle of the day.

4. Selling my panties -
We all have different things we like, different things that turn us on. I came across an ad on Craigslist that wanted to buy panties. After emailing for a little bit, I met the guy at Food Lion and sold him my panties for $20. I don't condone my behavior for other people. I live very dangerously sometimes. I have found, now, there's a sub-reddit group for this. It's a much safer practice to sell online and you can make $35/pair without actually meeting the person.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Rave from Craigslist

Thank you stranger! (Around the way)

Posted July 29,2014

Dear stranger,
I would like to thank you for answering my ad, coming over, and making me orgasm hard. I am "exclusive" with man who likes to have sex once in a while. When I've asked for round 2 or 3, he says we already had sex. He also seems shocked and disappointed that orgasms are supposed to be for everyone. Maybe he thinks if I don't get off, I can't get pregnant. Or if I get off, my vagina will turn into a vacuum. I'm not sure. I'm not asking him to bury his face in me for hours.
Stranger, you made me cum in 15 minutes! That's never happened to me before! I thought I was broken. But it was just another case of selfish lover!
So thank you strangers of Craigslist who get girls off and are surprised to when neglected women reciprocate! Yes I swallow but it'll be a reward for me actually getting off now!
I'm inspired by your generosity!!

    Dirty Old Men

    I have an insatiable hunger for sex, so I often hook-up with or date younger guys. It seems, in my experience, men my age or older don't want as much sex as I do. Maybe it's the drop in their testosterone levels or the years of sex they've already experienced, that makes them less interested. I also have an age limit, I don't want anyone under 21 or over 36. I don't drink a lot but I'd still like to be able to go to a bar with them if I want.
    I have on occasion, been with a man of 20 and a few men over 36. I will end up sounding like a prostitute but so be it. 
    The oldest man, I have been with is 54. That makes him older than my dad. I was down on my luck and my money was very low. I posted an ad on Craigslist because I needed to be spoiled. I wasn't looking for money but I did want a trade. I traded my time and attention for gifts. I was hesitant at first, I didn't want a guy older than my father. But I accepted the role of Sugar baby and saw him for several months. The longer I was with him, the more I enjoyed his company. He didn't judge me for my freaky side and I didn't judge him either. He was as lonely as I was and the situation was beneficial to both of us. 
    On a 2nd occasion, I met a guy on It's a site that has Sugar babies and Sugar Daddies alike. On my first day, I met a guy. His profile said he was 39. Upon meeting him, I could clearly see he was in his mid 40's. He bought me lunch and have me $100 to get a hotel room. I did. He told me to keep the change. I knew we were going to have sex. I didn't know that it was going to go poorly. I won't go into the gory details but I will say, I won't meet  him again. I didn't do it for profit, I did it for sex sake. But what I experienced should have cost him 10 times as much. I was allowed to keep the $45 in change from the room and he paid for lunch but what I lost was a little dignity. My bones still ache from him. He was the worst kind of dirty old man. He was a taker, a pusher of limits and I was his toy to do whatever with. 
    There are always 2 sides of a coin. I had one incredible experience and one bad one. I learned several lessons, that will always replay in my mind. I didn't owe either man anything but I was caught up in the gifts. I will probably still pursue a Sugar Daddy but the same rules will apply to them as any man, I'm with. Gifts or not, I will demand respect upfront. There is no price tag on my spirit.

    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    Small penises

    As a self proclaimed and internet tested sex addict, I've had sex with a variety of men. And as you can imagine, the question of size comes up often. I am asked by men and women alike if size and race are related. In my experience, the largest penis was a tie between a white guy and a black guy. The white guy was slightly longer and the black guy was slightly thicker. But I don't want to focus on large penises. I want to talk about the wonders of a small penis.

    I'm a woman who finds pleasure in pain and love to be stretched a little during sex. But some of the best sex I've had has been with men who don't really stretch me. Two men stand out in my mind when I think of great sex with the less endowed. One was a Mexican guy, 23, who seemed to not be able to hold his load. But he could make me not only make me cum but also make me squirt in less than a minute. He had magic hands and he knew how to use them. If asked why he was so good, he'd tell you, I have to be! There were a lot of things I liked about Ricky. He was conscious of my needs and he knew I'd reward him even more for it. And who doesn't like a guy who can get you off from one touch.

    The second guy is a white guy of undetermined age. He said 32 in his Craigslist post but everyone lies about something. I'm always initially a little disappointed when I see a small penis. I look forward to the stretch and I like being bent over. And I knew, upon seeing his penis that may not work. But he worshiped my body. He loved every curve, every ounce of fat and every imperfection. He spent hours just touching me and kissing me. And of course, making me orgasm with his tongue. His touch was so soft and sensual that my entire body trembled. My body was so sensitive, that his touching me extended my orgasm. I have never felt so sexy. There's nothing better than being caressed and told how beautiful and sexy you are. He was amazing!

    Not every small penis guy knows how to make up for it. But giving imperfect people a chance is good. I am by no means a small woman. I'm not perfect by traditional standards. But that's where we win, by learning from our flaws and perfecting things, so that our flaws don't even matter. That's why I'll give any guy a chance and why, to me, size doesn't matter!!

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    Married Men

    The first time I had sex with a married man, I felt sorry for him. Not because he was married nor because didn't have a good sex life at home. I felt sorry for him because he was unattractive, awkward and goofy. I showed him my boobs and he almost had a heart attack. I was the 2nd person he had ever slept with. He hadn't planned on losing his virginity to his wife, she was just the first person he'd seen naked. I felt bad for his inexperience. He was honest with his wife about wanting to sleep with me and she was ok with it. She wanted to eventually join us one day. (That never happened)

    After that, I've been with a handful of married men. It started when I moved outside of a military base. I learned that there was a different set of rules that married people lived by. I learned the hard way, that I needed to ask before meeting a man, are you married. They were all forth coming once you asked them but you have to ask. I had amazing times with a man, felt like we had truly connected, only to find out he was indeed married.

    I am not married. I don't want to marry at this point in my life. I don't mind having sex with the occasional married man. I prefer to make that decision myself though, not fall into it unknowingly. I will never be a mistress, I'm not trying to break up homes. I am a sex addict. A single one, at that! I can not control who cheats and when they do, it's none of my business. I do not actively seek married men. They do have their perks. Married men are usually more experienced and know what to do in bed. They also generally don't become clingy or needy. Sometimes, they've been fixed, so no worries about unwanted pregnancies.

    Ultimately, I prefer a single or divorced man. You can't trust a man who, willingly, lies to his significant other to have sex with you. But you can enjoy him for a bit before putting him back. Generally, I wasn't the first woman to catch their eye and I won't be the last.

    Sunday, February 1, 2015

    Why I don't date...

    There are several reasons why I don't date. And probably a more reasons why I'm still single. Dating to me is a constant tug-of-war. It's full of compromise which usually translates to no one being happy. Or you compromise who you are until you can't even recognize yourself anymore. A lot of the relationships I've experienced and have seen have been one sided. I don't want to inadvertently choose resentment.

    Another reason I don't date is because the whole process is absurd. Meeting people in a small town is difficult, there's no where to go. There are no quaint meet queues in real life.

    In large cities, there is so much to do and so many people, that everyone isolates themselves to their group of friends. The bar scene is good for hook-ups with 21 year olds that have 3 DUIs and no license. The libraries are frequented by perves. Cafés and coffee shops are for hipsters too cool for me. So I'm left with the internet. On the internet, you find all 3 types of these men plus more horrendous ones. I get messages from men who are bold enough to say things about my tits or wanting to fuck me before they say hello. I've been called babe, baby or sweety by men I'd just started messaging. I've had married men hit me up. (Ladies, if he's over 30 and has a kik, he's married! Stay away unless you're into that type of thing.) I've had a few messages from guys who seem like they want to get to know me. We talk for hours, messaging back and forth. I almost get that teenager feeling of talking all night to the boy I've been crushing on. And then they make grand plans, let's date. Dinner and movies and a relationship is our very near future. Sometimes it's a ploy to get into my pants. Sometimes it's just a fun game for them to play, toy with my emotions (though I lack normal emotions and attachments).

    So for me, ultimately, it's a waste of time. Let me waste another day, trying to find Mr. Right. Why, when Mr. Right Now is good enough to satisfy my needs. I get to spend less time wondering why he didn't text and more time texting whoever I want. I get to choose who I spend my time with. I have freedom.

    I like the freedom!!!

    Thursday, January 15, 2015

    Top 10 WoS items you should have!

    This is a life hack!!
    WoS = Walk of Shame

    I rarely spend the night at a guys house, so when it happens, I am usually less than prepared. I, like a lot of women, have a lot of stuff in my car. So most situations, I'm covered but not well, so I keep an overnight bag now. 

    Here's a list of the top 10 items I have in my bag:

    1. My taser - After meeting the crazy Puerto Rican couple, who liked to swing, I was inspired to take my safety into consideration. Before them, I had no regard to the risk I was taking meeting strangers.
    2. Sexy underwear - Not just clean underwear. You never know who will see your panties next, so make sure you pack the cute one! 
    3. Tampons- I recommend having a few guys who don't mind when the red sea approaches! But on light days, you can trick any guy into thinking you're not on. Tampons are flushable, so pop into the bathroom and get rid of it right before! Pads complicate things too much!
    4. Clothes - This is obvious! I'd opt for yoga pants and a cute top or hoodie. That way you're still cute for whatever or whoever you do next. Plus it's comfortable without looking sloppy!
    5. Baby wipes - You'll want these on hand anyway! It's the best way to get rid of boob sweat throughout the day. I also sweat in other places where my fat sticks together! Stay fresh ladies!!
    6. Deodorant - I carry this anyway! I am very forgetful and work in an active environment. If I forget it, people will notice! 
    7. Listerine - I am not one to brush and floss several times a day, so I do a quick rinse before meeting someone.
    8. Snacks - Fruit snacks or snack crackers are good to keep on hand. I forget to eat sometimes and hate showing up with my stomach growling! It's not a good look or sound. 
    9. Bottled Water - You should probably have this in your car for emergencies anyway but I like to keep it on hand to take meds. I also like to bring one with me because men are never prepared for you being thirsty. I don't mind sharing your redbull but I'd like my own drink and one that doe not give me "wings"
    10. Medicine - I keep Ibuprofen, Prilosac, claritin and immodium on hand at all times! I have arthritis, acid re-flux, IBS and allergies. I don't want get sick from food or have an allergic reaction to the many animals, single men seem to have. I also know what I like in bed and know that I may need a pain reliever in the morning. 

    Thursday, January 8, 2015


    There's this new phenomenon called Edging.
    It's probably only popular for people ages 18-23. It happens when two people are having sex or fooling around and right before either of you cum, you stop. You're walk away from your orgasm and never let it be fulfilled. Sounds terrible, right!
    I was a victim of edging. I'd like to come up with a pun about a double edge sword or something clever to laugh off the anger from no one cumming but I got nothing! I do not always orgasm, I am ok with that. I am, however, amazing in bed and have made men cum in a matter of seconds, so I hate when no one gets off. What are we there for? Someone should get off. I don't mind if I do and he doesn't (that usually involves meds or drinking).
    I know, I'm 30 and falling asleep during sex may be expected and at my age (if I were a man) it'd be normal to not always get off. But I'm in my sexual peak with partners under 30. We should be cumming, we should be cumming until we get dehydrated. We should cum so much that only plasma is left.

    Moral: Edging is dumb and the next guy who thinks he's gonna edge me will get punched.