Sunday, December 20, 2015

New Positions

I have a very large imagination and I am a very creative person. So sometimes when I say things like I invented the selfie, I really mean it. But of course I didn't invent the selfie, I've just been taking selfie's since I was a child. I am the oldest and my family both sides and I spent a lot of time alone. So I was always figuring out ways to do things for myself. I was the one who took photos of all of my friends when we were having fun but no one was taking photos of me. That's what happens when you're the photographer and have a sanguine spirit. So I figured out a way to turn the camera around, to at least prove, that I was at each event, that I was taking pictures in it. And that's how I think I invented the selfie!
Now hear me when I say, I have invented a new sex position! Don't ask me how I did it, don't try to even fathom how one can come up with a new position! It all started with my girlfriend's love of nipples. Have you ever orgasm from sucking on someone else's nipple? Do nipples drive you so crazy that you can cum from feeling them on your tongue? Have you ever fucked someone with your hardened nipple? I won't go into great detail because while the world knows my business, I have too much respect and love for my girlfriend to open her up to the world in this way. But know that I have found a way to make a woman cum from pressing my giant tits against the clit and running it along the lips. Best orgasm ever!! I don't truly know if other people have done this or if this works for people with smaller breast but I do know that it works for at least two people!

Crazy is as crazy lives!

What's the craziest thing I've ever done?
So, when someone ask me this question, I have a very hard time answering it. The problem with this question is that there are so many answers. I've been for a while I did cam work. That means that I was a personal porn star for random people on the internet. I did finish work for a while. I sold my panties for a bit. I was a financial dominatrix and had a great run it that. I've done so many things. I've lived in China twice. I've dated men and women. I've met people from all around the world and had sex with them. I've done so many things that people would consider crazy and yet to me it's all normal. The craziest thing that I have ever done: is fall in love and give my heart away! That is the craziest! But welcome to my world, my world of crazy. When I wake up every morning, I don't know how my day will go. And we have seen in previous post, that my life can go in many crazy, crazy directions. But that's what life is about, it's about living your life to the fullest! So walker to all the newcomers, guest, fans, and men whose money I've taken for good reasons!