Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Has there ever been something more loathed? I can truly say that I have only liked my period a handful of times. All involving the thought, "please don't let me be pregnant with his baby!" And never, "Yay! I'm still in my childbearing years."
Here is why periods suck to me:
1. Blood everywhere - I'm going to be 32 years old and I still can't always keep my panties clean. 
2. Cramps - it feels like an elephant in Jimmy Choos is grinding his feet into my stomach for at least the first 2-3 days. 
3. Food- All I want is potato chips which cause bloating, ice cream and soda which worsen my cramps. And after I cook or order greasy comfort food, I'm not hungry. 
4. I hate going to the bathroom - I find bodily functions to be a chore, so when I have to spend even more time in the bathroom, it's extra annoying. 
5. Emotions - I don't get "bitchy" on my period (thank goodness) but I do get weepy. I can't watch a Romantic Comedy without tearing up a little. And is horny an emotion?? 

But as I rolled over this morning and mumbled, "My tummy hurts" I was yet again thankful to have my girlfriend. She placed her warm hands on my stomach to calm my cramps. 
In a similar vein, last month, we were on our way to lunch when she took a bathroom break and discovered Mother Nature had arrived. I raced to the store to buy her pads and for good measure, I also bought her chocolate and a stuffed animal. 
The moral: periods suck but the people around you can make it better!!