So I decided to get back on OkCupid to meet men, I won't have to avoid at work everyday. I have only been back on for 2 days. Here's a short list of the pickup lines and openers I've gotten so far.
Are you Made in China?
Hey, nice boobs! You have nice lips as well!!
Hey, I wear glasses but I'm sorry to inform you that my eyes just can't move from your nice boobs as an artist and libido is the drive of arts!!
Omg... Those are huuuuuuuuggggeeeee... Eyes!
Well hello! Can I get an Amen cuz you're so fine!!
You are beautiful in every language! If beauty were measured in seconds, you'd be an hour!!
Out of all of those lovely lines, I have responded to none. I don't know why men think that they can approach me any type of way. Surely no woman worth having would take that seriously. Not to mention, my profile clearly states, I will ignore anyone who mentions my boobs. After walking through China, with the biggest tits in the country for the last 2 weeks, I have no tolerance. I get leers, jeers and stares. I am talked about in a language I barely understand. I definitely don't want to hear the same bullshit in English!!