Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Men love bitches


  1. I am not actually convinced that men love bitches.
  2. I am convinced that men love a woman who demands respect.
    (I had a hard time demanding respect, still do. I've always been the type of person who bends over backwards. Afraid to express my true feelings, in case the other person decides to leave me. )
  3. Men want to be Knights.
    (They will "save" you or attempt to save you. Especially if it involves them out-man-ing another man. Most definitely if it involves sex.)
  4. Ranting about getting bad sex, makes other men want you.
    (It's stupid really. But the more Rant and Raves I post, the more guys hit on me. Most of the guys I am seeing right now, have come from such post.)
  5. Men like to try.
    (No man wants to be told how to be men! They want to prove themselves and we sometimes have to let them.)
  6. They love to hear you complain
    (But NOT about them. Complaining about other men not pleasing you is hot. Complaining to your man about him pleasing you is not. )